Monday, February 16, 2009

Creative Learning 16/02/09

I just made a typo there while writing the title and I wrote creativ elearning, The Elearning now being the operative that I need to take into account and should embrace fully. I have been inspired by the positivity of the lectures which have opened up the connectivity and possibilities of technological learning , the world more so than ever is your oyster it is up to ourselves to shine the pearl to our own advantage.
Reflecting on the question about a positive learning experience I had, I remembered the joy and excitement when I received a gig juicy brown envelop containing a letter and valuable information from Tibor Kalman ( Graphic Design and designer for Bennetton Magazine Colors) during research for my dissertation in my diploma year. I had taken the chance to personally write to a key member of my chosen research and it paid off. In relation to now, I now feel this type of feedback from core people will be even more possible through online resources such as blogging and sites, a fact I had never really considered . It may not be as aesthetically pleasing ( nothing beats the tangibility of a letter) but it may be on a larger scale and more resourceful as the world is becoming smaller through the web. We need to exploit this interactivity with the world to broaden our learning experience, its time to get out the sea sponges and start polishing those pearls gathered from the worlds seas.

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